What Does the Large Intestine Do?

Our bodies are an amazing creation, and the large intestine is no exception. The large intestine is an important part of the digestive process. It is said that once digested food enters the large intestine, it may take up to 32 hours for the organ to complete its...


Strokes are one of the most common afflictions of the aged today. Strokes can often leave people in a partially paralyzed state. They may lose feeling on one side of their body, lose the ability to walk, have difficulty speaking, and can sometimes lose their lives...

Procrastination is Your Enemy

Putting off obtaining medical attention is one of the worst things that you can do. would like to tell you about why procrastination is your enemy. Many people think that if they wait long enough, a problem may just go away. Or, they may delay seeing a doctor due to...

Auto Immune System Attack!

I found a great explanation of the way your immune system can be attacked, written by Dr. Kharrazian.  I wanted to share it with you all: Let’s say you are a house. Like a house you have barriers that protect you from the outside world, the way windows, walls, a roof...